Touch Points

Touch Points

Create user-centered communication channels and deliver a seamless customer experience.

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Wechat Marketing

Helping with mobile customer acquisition + retention

Use targeted strategies to convert subscribers effectively
Official Feature Enhancement
Screening targeted fans for interactive marketing
Multi-dimensional performance visualization

  • Click here to learn more about WeChat marketing

Email Marketing

Drag-and-drop editor + massive template library

Powerful mail delivery capabilities
Cultivating domain reputation ratings
Precise automated dispatch

  • Click here to learn more about Email marketing

Short/MMS Marketing

Text message + MMS rich media

Precise automated dispatch
Short link click tracking
Effective linkage with mail

  • Click here to learn more about MMS marketing

Other Channels

APP push, intelligent customer service, etc.

Proactive PUSH to reach customers
Intelligent Robotic Customer Service
Precise 1-on-1 communication

Marketing Campaign

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